Learn It Town has developed the most effective way for the human brain to learn quickly and effectively.
The founders of Learn It Town are educational visionaries and have years of process development in this new virtual methodology for learning. They are experienced professionals who have pioneered virtual education.
These founders have worked for over seven years in research and development in the field of immersive learning in which they developed a system of on-boarding, training and managing 60,000 students from 121 countries.
Learn It Town offers a virtual environment with real students from around the world. Teachers are top notch professionals with years of experience.
This type of learning allows students to immerse themselves in a virtual city or in a virtual training activity.
Each student has the opportunity to perform different task-based activities similar to what they would do in real life.
In addition, students can also learn by participating in activities they could never do in real life. For example, exploring the moon and Mars, traveling down a volcano or taking a trip back in history
Our mission is to use technology to deliver first-class teaching in the most efficient way possible. This will allow you to realise your learning potential at the time that suits you best.
We believe in people, and we use technology to advance learning for everyone, including you. Learn It Town was founded by teaching professionals who have created an innovative and superior learning system using 21st century teaching techniques.
Your courses in Learn It Town are flexible in terms of hours and types of classes taken. You’re in control.
Our Teachers
Learn It Town consists of a team with broad expertise. We work to provide our students with the best language education possible. The board members have decades of teaching experience.
All are pioneers in virtual education dating back to 2007 and before. Our teachers have certification in CELTA and/or TESOL.
They are published authors, linguists and teachers at well-known universities.
Students will be exposed to a variety of international English accents.
In Learn It Town there is no room for excuses–flexible hours, study from home without thinking about what to wear or who can I leave my child with. It is a way to learn and, ironically, we can disconnect from our troubles in the real world by connecting with everyone in the virtual world!
Yolanda González (Mexico)
My name is Miriam , I live in a Country called Brazil and I’m currently living in Sao Paulo State. My academic background is in IT , but I’m not working on this area at the moment , I love dogs and as a side job I breed this animals, in particular the Lhasa Apso Breed
I love Learn It Town,. I’ve been having English Classes in Learn It Town for a little more than 2 years and I can say that I learned a lot on this period especially on the Speaking aspect.
Miriam Saito (Brazil)
I tried to study English on my own at an academy in my town. Then I went to London. Finally, I discovered Learn It Town. I was very surprised at how fast I went from one level to the next, learning English while having lots of fun without effort. It is like learning without realizing you are studying
Ana Garcia (Spain)
My decision to enroll in LIT Learn It Town was based upon a wide variety of reasons. My first encounter with learning in a virtual world was around three years ago. At that time, I was afraid to speak English, and now I feel confident giving speeches on almost any topic.
I soon realized that learning in a virtual environment provides valuable experiences, such as learning in a foreign country with the benefit of not having to spend a huge fortune on travel expenses and being able to enjoy classes conveniently from my home whenever I want to study.
I found learning with LIT Learn It Town very useful and would definitely recommend it to those who want to improve or polish their English skills. I just want to say once again thank you so much for the great experience in all classes conducted by fantastic teachers who have also become close friends of mine.
This has been one of the most profound experiences in my life, and I am so grateful for to be a part of this global community.
Andreas Franz (Bangkok)