Somlói galuska recipe
This decadent Hungarian trifle recipe is known as somloi galuska (shom-loh-ee gah-LOOSH-kaw), and is made with three different-flavored...

Tasty Desserts from Around the World
HUNGARY Somloi Galuska is a trifle made in Hungary with three different kinds of sponge cake (chocolate, vanilla and ground walnut),...

Christmas PLUM PUDDING (England)
INGREDIENTS Fruit Mixture (To be made 4 days ahead) 1 pound seedless raisins 1 pound sultana raisins 1/2 pound currants 1 cup thinly...

Beigli (Christmas Pie) from Hungary
Ingredients Pasta 40 dkg margarine 80 dkg flour 4 egg yolks 8 dkg sugar 2 dkg yeast 2 dl milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg (for...

Stoofperen - Netherlands Christmas Pears
INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds of cooking pear (Giezer Wildeman) 1 cinnamon stick 1 bottle of gluhwine (wine you can drink warm) or bottle of...

Christmas Recipes - Almond Brittle
Yield: 1 Large Sheet Tray INGRIDIENTS: 1 cup Water 2 2/3 cup Sugar ½ cup Light Corm Syrup 5 tablespoons Unsalted Butter 3 cups ...