Fun Summer Activities for ESL A1 Learners
Summer is a time for relaxation, exploration, and adventure. It's also a great opportunity for ESL A1 learners to practice their English...

Holiday Songs for Learning English - Must Be Santa
Bob Dylan - Must Be Santa
Sing a long

Learn It Town December 2020 Newsletter
Learn It Town Newsletter December 2020 for ESL Education is ready. It is full of Holiday Vocabulary, Tips on Business Calling, Ideas for...

Song: Santa High in the Sky Elementary ESL
This is a song about Santa on Christmas Eve.

Holiday Song: Naughty Turkey
This is a song about a naughty turkey called Trouble.
Words you will need to know: Santa, cracker, mince pie, tinsel,

Ways to say Hello
Keep the conversation moving: When people start off an English conversation with “How are you?” they usually don’t expect ....

Describing the Illustration
Beginner - "A boy skates."
A1 - "I see a cow blowing a trumpet."
A2 - "There is a sailboat upside down on the water."

Travel Crossword
Check your vocabulary with this Learn It Town crossword puzzle with travel words.

Forest in a Stadium
What statement do you think the curator is trying to make with this project? What do you think it says about people, society....

Writing Exercise - The Heroic Ideal
Writing: Superheroes, whether on the printed page or a movie screen, are larger-than-life depictions of strength, resilience, and honor.